Prevent Being Hacked
‘Zero Trust’ is the golden standard of Cyber Security. We secure and encrypt each device, connection, login, server, website on your systems so that only traffic by legitimate people on legitimate devices can access your data.
Additionally we block access from hostile countries such as Russia, Iran & North Korea which immediately make your network more secure.
We can block ‘impossible travel log-ins’ such as a local log-in from Australia to one shortly after in Europe. These events prompt legitimate staff validation with their own MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication).
We demonstrate how easily systems can become infected with malware through email and USB malware contamination. We demonstrate how you can manage and eliminate them altogether.
Patching & Protection
Most hackers don’t exploit something completely new or unknown. The majority simply re-use well publicised malicious code that exploits old vulnerabilities in existing systems.
Patching ‘everything’ is the sure way to protect yourself hackers. From Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS and Android, all of the programs you use, the firmware of all PCs & Servers, the firmware in the router and WiFi access points. Let us patch everything on your system to ensure hackers don’t penetrate your network.
We review your network and identify every device delivering a plan to protect them all.
Penetration & Vulnerability Testing
Don’t wait until a malicious acts infiltrates your network. We engage ‘ethical hackers’ to try and penetrate your network, finding vulnerabilities before the bad guys do. We conduct Penetration and Vulnerability tests to establish a report on all of the weaknesses to help you plug each one.
24×7 SIEM & SOC Monitoring
When do hackers schedule their malware to run? On Christmas Day & New Year’s Day – when they know your IT team are out drinking far too much booze!
We have our 24hr, 7days, 365 days of the year enterprise grade SOC (Security Operations Centre) team of experts constantly monitoring your network for malware’s and suspicious activity. Even on Christmas and New Year’s Day when everyone’s out of the office having a fun time. We monitor everything using our SIEM (Security Information & Event Management) solution and detect suspicious behaviour before the hackers do anything malicious.
Educating Your Team
Never underestimate how social engineering can exploit even the most savvy of staff. Our experience has proven ‘finance & accounting’ staff are frequently caught out by scams. Let us educate and train them to recognise abnormal questions or behaviour. Let us create a culture of letting you know if something doesn’t quite feel right and not to fall for scam attachments.
What Is the ACSC Essential Eight?
The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has developed a set of eight strategies that every business should deploy at an absolute minimum to protect themselves from cyber attacks, they’re classified as ‘essential’. Many of the strategies are common sense, some are less obvious than others.
We can guide your business through these eight strategies to improve their cyber security and determine what improvements need to be made.
What Is Zero Trust?
Remote working has forever changed the boundaries of the office. We are now living in an era where every security of every device has the potential to be compromised with restrictions needing to be applied accordingly.
Here’s our technical approach – every device is treated as potentially compromised until proven otherwise. Every employee is treated as potentially compromised until proven otherwise. Every connection, login, server and device needs to be encrypted and pass health checks to prove it isn’t compromised. By assuming ‘Zero Trust’ we force everything to pass important security checks before your employees access and data. This approach is extremely effective.
Cyber Insurance
Cyber Insurance is crucial to ensuring your business can recover from the worst.
If your house is burgled, but your front door was left unlocked, you’ve probably voided your home insurance. Unfortunately your insurer won’t pay you a cent. To ensure the same thing doesn’t happen if your business gets hacked let us assist your Cyber Insurance policy to accurately meet all criteria. We can refer you to the right broker for the best policy to get the best deal.
How can we help you?
Discuss all your IT concerns with us and our free consultation.
It’s our job to solve all your IT concerns and manage your IT systems
so your business runs smoothly.
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